
some nice updates, making the game more complete and patching up some problems from the jam version.

- added 3 new enemy types: slimes, totems, turrets

- adjusted parry:

    - now requires you to parry in the direction of the projectile

    - successful parries grant brief invulnerability

    - slightly increased size of parry detection

- fixed drill attack not damaging enemies when activated inside their hurtbox

- adjusted difficulty intensity: decreases more after failing a room, but increases more after clearing a room quickly, and has a greater maximum

- added pausing with [ESC] or [Options]

- fixed player animation flickering and other errors

- adjusted mage enemies:

    - spawn cost increased

    - teleport cooldown reduced

    - projectile's hitbox now properly rotates

- brief invulnerability is granted after crossing the edge of the screen

- slightly increased the size of the player's hurtbox

- added intro

- revamped titlescreen with a proper logo

- tightened time requirement for a quick clear, especially on busier rooms

- moved timer to the bottom left


drillmonger.zip Play in browser
95 days ago
drillmonger_windows.zip 67 MB
95 days ago

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